Chapters Transcript Video Echocardiography and Structural Heart Symposium, 41st Annual I think there's a greater awareness about heart health overall, not just amongst clinicians but amongst the general population. There are so many advanced techniques and new forms of imaging modalities that have evolved over the past several years. And it's great to have uh a wide array of speakers who can come to attend the symposium to help educate us more about not only diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disease, but to help sharpen our skills when interpreting echocardiogram exams and to help improve the advancement of, you know, new therapies that continue to, you know, come about for the treatment of many different aspects of heart disease. It's, it's great uh that uh Bapt Hi is uh supporting this uh symposia. And uh you know, it's a a AAA great opportunity uh for, for us to show what we do at uh at our center. Uh So I think it's a, it's a, it's a very uh important for us to uh um be able to share that. And with the support of BAP health, we're able to do that. There are many uh physicians who are willing to travel all over the world to give great talks to help educate not only conditions but general population for overall awareness of heart disease, cardiovascular disease is still the number one cause of death around the world in most industrialized nations. So it's great to have a large interest from physicians who are willing to travel routinely to go to these conferences to help educate physicians routinely about up and coming changes in not only American but international guidelines. With regards to echocardiography and treatment of valve disease and structural heart. It's really a chance for Baptist and the Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute to give back to the community. I think it really shows where we are um in terms of our um hospital in, in, in, in terms of our hospital care uh for our patients. I think it's a very important uh meeting where where we can all learn from each other. Created by