Miami Cancer Institute physicians were in the spotlight at the 2022 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), June 3-7 in Chicago. Physician researchers from the Institute presented the latest advances on clinical trials of novel therapies to inhibit tumor proliferation and stimulate anti-cancer responses in patients with advanced solid tumors, including glioblastoma, to diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas and thalamic gliomas.
Manmeet Ahluwalia, M.D., M.B.A., the Institute’s chief of solid tumor medical oncology, deputy director and chief scientific officer, spoke on “Choosing the Right Path: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Factors That Shape Treatment Decisions in Challenging Brain Tumor Management.” He also participated in several poster sessions and a publication-only session on central nervous system tumors. Abstracts for his presentations include:
- Predictions of Overall Survival (OS) and Progression-Free Survival (PFS) for Specific Therapeutic Interventions in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) using Cellworks Singula: MyCare-02404
- Retrospective Review of Glioma Patients with Confirmed MET Amplification or Fusion
- Final Data from the Phase 2a Single-Arm Trial of SurVaxM for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma
- Feasibility and Conduct of INSIGhT, a Platform Trial of Patients with Glioblastoma Using Bayesian Adaptive Randomization
- Phase 1 Trial of Ruxolitinib, Temozolamide and Radiation in High-Grade Gliomas
Guilherme Rabinowits, M.D., was an investigator for “Navtemadlin (KRT-232) Activity After Failure of Anti-PD-1/L1 Therapy in Patients (pts) with TP53WT Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC).” The study was presented during an oral abstract session.
Bruno Bastos, M.D., was an investigator for A Phase 1 Study of TPST-1120 as a Single Agent and in Combination with Nivolumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid Tumors. The study was presented during an oral abstract session.
Reshma Mahtani, D.O., was a discussant for an oral abstract session on Expanding the Landscape of Antibody-Drug Conjugates: New Trojan Horses in Oncology.
Minesh Mehta, M.D. was a discussant for an oral abstract session, Updates in CNS Tumors Trials: What Will it Take to Change Practice?
And Yazmin Odia, M.D., presented a poster session on the Window-of-Opportunity Study on ONC201 in Pediatric Patients with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontin Glioma (DIPG) and Thalamic Glioma. Doured Daghistani, M.D., and Matthew Hall, M.D., were also involved in the research.