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From Stroke Patient to Stroke Survivor: Fast Action Saves Islamorada Man’s Life
After suffering a stroke while on the job in Islamorada, Urbano Matos was whisked to Baptist Hospital where doctors removed a clot stopping blood supply to his brain—before it could cause lasting damage.Luis Felipe Tornes, M.D., joins Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute
Luis Felipe Tornes, M.D., recently joined Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute as a neurologist and the director of epilepsy. He is fluent in English and Spanish.Back Pain Leads to Man's Surprise Kidney Cancer Diagnosis
Antonio Gonzalez knows about back pain, having endured cervical spine surgery some years ago after a globe-trotting career as a purser with American Airlines and later suffering injuries to his back. But this pain was something he had never felt before.Miami Neuroscience Institute Ranked Among Nation's Best by U.S. News & World Report
Patients in South Florida requiring complex neurological care need not travel out of the area for top-quality care, now that Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute has been ranked among the nation’s best by U.S. News & World Report.Miami Neuroscience Institute Ranked Among Nation's Best by U.S. News & World Report
Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute | Mitchel S. Berger Brain Tumor Lectureship
Dr. Berger presented his investigation of human language circuits from intraoperative mapping studies in patients with brain tumors.Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Makes “Precision Psychiatry” a Reality for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and doctors need to find more targeted and enduring therapies.Diego Torres-Russotto, M.D., joins Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute as Chair of Neurology
Diego Torres-Russotto, M.D., joins Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute, as the inaugural chair of the Neurology division.Is Earlier Better? PROMISSeD Trial Explores Early Radiation Therapy as a Prophylactic Treatment for Patients With High-risk Spine Metastases
A research team at Baptist Health South Florida recently began enrollment in a randomized-controlled clinical trial exploring early radiation therapy as a prophylactic treatment for patients with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic high-risk metastatic disease to the spine.New Brain-Mapping Tech at Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute Provides Most Detailed Imaging
Hear from Dr. McDermott, Neurosurgeon and Chief Medical Executive at Miami Neuroscience Institute discuss new brain-mapping tech and how high intensity focused ultrasound for image guided surgery will be a big advance for Baptist Health located in south Florida.He Drives Neurosurgical Advances and Race Cars — Meet the Energetic and Goal-Driven Chief at Baptist Health Miami Neuroscience Institute
He is a world-renown neurosurgeon with an expertise in the field of meningioma research and gamma knife radiosurgery. And, by the way, he drives race cars and owns a wine label. Meet Michael McDermott, M.D., who joined Miami Neuroscience Institute, part of Baptist Health, as chief medical executive in March 2020.Minimally Invasive ‘HiFU’ Beat Her Essential Tremor: 'Be Brave Enough to Say You'll Do It'
Life with "essential tremor" --- one of the most common movement disorders -- is disruptive and debilitating. Nan Levy's outlook was bleak, with one neurologist telling her there was nothing that can be done. But her life would soon take a sharp turn for the better when she consulted with neurosurgeon Justin Sporrer, M.D.